If you’re facing surgery to repair an injury, the hardest part leading up to the procedure is not dwelling on it. Most people know that getting through the actual surgery is the easy part and it's the recovery that can be difficult. Following through with the aftercare plan your doctor provides for you is the most important part to long term recovery.
After any surgery, the most important aspects of the healing process involves strengthening the area and improving both range of motion and flexibility. While it’s important to exercise and strengthen the area of the injury, nearby areas will also need attention. Your endurance as well as your flexibility will have decreased during the time you were injured. Part of your recovery will be to address and treat each of these areas equally.
Post-Surgical Rehab and the Recovery Process
Surgeries that involve replacing a joint or repairing extensive damage can be extremely uncomfortable for the first week or so after the procedure. Post-surgical rehab helps reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and increase range of motion and flexibility. While this is a gradual process, therapy that is provided three to four times a week will hasten the healing process while supporting the surrounding tissues.
The exercises chosen by the therapist will be geared towards not only strengthening the injured area but other nearby muscle groups as well. Knee surgery will require exercises that address the legs, while shoulder surgery would involve exercises involving the arms and upper back. During your recovery period, your overall lack of exercise and activity can cause several things to occur: you may begin to lose your muscle tone and/0r it may also be harder for you to breathe when you try to exert yourself. Your therapist will take these things into account and your therapy sessions will be designed to eliminate these issues.